簡介:Heather,一個離婚不久的美麗女子,躲在一個僻靜的峽谷的別墅里面享受難得的寧靜,可是一對年輕的夫婦Marisa and Daniel的到訪打破了寧靜,而且暗流涌動,兩夫婦一直在勾引她墮入欲望的深淵~后來甚至乾脆Marisa神秘消失,只留下Daniel和Heather獨處一室..可是峽谷里面的秘密
簡介:翩翩美少年依利亞(可可·馬丁 Coco Martin 飾)是菲律賓當地一家按摩院的按摩師,他蘸滿精油的雙手如舞者一般,在客人的身體上舞出輕盈而曖昧的弧線。女友、客人,依利亞每日里周轉期間,回環往復,周而復始。他的父親當年浪蕩不羈,拋妻棄子,雖然最終浪子回頭,卻難以彌合與子女間的巨大鴻溝。某日,父親死
簡介:Simon Sinestrari is one of the few true male witches that exist. His ultimate goal is to leave the earth to become a god, and the time for this event
簡介:An advertising executive dies and goes to hell... except nothing changes. Well, his daughter is buying drugs with sexual favours from her brother, and